The art of wig making and wig dressing has been practised for centuries, and continues to be an exciting and essential part of costume production for theatre and film. With style inspiration ranging from the seventeenth to the twentieth century, A Practical Guide to Wig Making and Wig Dressing is a comprehensive introduction to the knowledge and techniques required to produce beautiful, durable and historical hairstyles able to withstand the demands of performance. Featuring over 700 photographs, this book offers detailed step-by-step instructions on how to make a wig, how to dress it according to time period, and how to fit and remove it, as well as advice on tools, products and suppliers. The work of current industry practitioners is showcased throughout the book, offering key insights into career pathways and professional styling gained from a wealth of experience. Additional material includes: a history of the use and development of wigs; examples of wig foundation making and wig knotting; an introductuion to facial hair making and dressing and finally, how to make hairpieces, sets and dressing for male and female hairstyles.
A Practical Guide to Wig Making and Wig Dressing by Melanie Bouvet